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Using Large Block Play to Enhance Attribute Knowledge

Block play is one of those areas of the early childhood environment that is teeming with learning in every developmental domain.  Children are drawn to the large blocks as a place to play independently, in a parallel way, or cooperatively.  The children’s natural curiosity in the block area involves mathematical thinking, which is easily observable […]

Animal Family Counters

Many months ago, we looked at bear family counters as a basic manipulative for an early childhood program.  Today, I wanted to look at animal family counters as a manipulative that supports children as they explore attributes. Sorting items using one attribute as the key to groupings can be quite challenging for young children, but […]

Eric Carle- Why do his Books Support Early Math Learning?

We always read books for language and literacy- that is pretty obvious.  Yesterday, when I was with a group of moms, most of whom have young children, we were discussing the appropriateness, or fairness of standardized testing. One mom reported that she had heard that children were supposed to identify a pair of “trousers” in […]

Benchmarks for Attribute Understanding

On January 13th, the Illinois State Board of Education published a revision of the former Early Learning Standards- now called the Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards. (Finally, they are including the word “development” in something referring to young children.) These have been presented in draft form, and are available for open comment as the […]