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Another List to Make You Smile (and to fill your advocacy fuel tank)

Take a look at this article from Bloomberg News which summarizes some important findings culled from a gigantic research paper funded by the Bridgespan Group and the Pritzker Children’s Initiative.  Read through the list carefully and remind yourselves why the work we do is so critical.  Write down some of the statistics so the next time someone […]

President’s Day

How can we make meaning for young children out of a holiday like “President’s Day”?  Our youngest children have no idea (or very little ideas) about the Presidents, or what a holiday that celebrates  them is about.  Older preschoolers may know who our current president is, they may even be able to name him, but […]

Are Our Children Ready To Join The Workforce?

Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it?  However, this is how many educators are thinking about readiness; looking at workforce needs and moving backward playing the blame game.  If college wasn’t able to prepare their students for the workforce, then it must be the fault of the high schools.  If high school couldn’t do their job, it is because grade […]

Mittens, Hats, and Scarves – Oh My!

The multicolored layers of puffy winter wear that are required to keep a small child warm during February in Illinois provide endless opportunities for exhausting trips outdoors.  It often takes an equal amount of time to get everyone dressed as  it does to actually be outside.  Snow pants, zippers, scarves, gloves, hats, and coats require dexterity […]

Pursuing Creativity

This article from the New York Times describes how important it is to let children’s creativity flourish and reiterates what we know to be true about the development of children; we need to stop pushing one agenda over another and let children grow up to be who they are meant to be.  Creative children who […]


On Friday, Early Math Counts presented at the Opening Minds conference in Chicago.  We spoke about the Early Math Counts site and our upcoming Professional Development series, soon to be available through the Gateways to Opportunity ilearning system.(More to come about that exciting project over the next couple of weeks). At the end of our […]