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Blog Archive

Teaching Subtraction

Yesterday, I wrote about subtraction and how it is harder for children than addition since counting backward is not as common as counting forward.  I found this interesting lesson on this interesting website called Illuminations which is a website dedicated to teaching mathematics.  Everything on the site connects to the Common Core, the NCTM Standards, and […]

Take Away

I have been busy these past couple of months writing some online training modules for early childhood practitioners about young children and math.  These will eventually be available through the INCCRRA/Gateways training site and will be free of charge.  Should be cool. One of the things I keep reading about is how certain skills and […]


Subitizing is one of those words that nobody has ever heard of, even teachers of young children and mathematicians.  However, readers of the Early Math Counts blog will now know it and teach it to others, because it is a very important early math skill and we should be very deliberate in teaching it. Remember […]

Toddlers, Pretend Play and Mathematical Concepts

Have you ever considered the ways in which toddlers play and explore and how those very actions are often mathematical? When a toddler takes two objects and brings them together to play, he is creating a relationship between them.  Sometimes, the two objects are not meant to go together; think – a small wooden block […]

The Best Infant Manipulatives- The Soft House

Much like the “Bucket Sorter” the Soft House is designed so that infants and toddlers can put things inside and take things out.  I have seen these with all sorts of themes, but my absolute favorite was a “Noah’s Ark” soft house that was filled with pairs of animals.  My first son’s name is Noah […]

Did You Know – Infant Lessons

Did you know that the Early Math Counts site has dozens of math lessons specifically written for infants?  It does.  Infants experience mathematical concepts through their daily interactions and schedules.  Infant teachers know that the consistency of care they provide for their babies creates the foundation for building trust.  It also develops a strong foundation […]