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Blog Archive

Quantifying Rather Than Counting

Encourage children to quantify objects logically and to compare sets (rather than encouraging him to count). When encouraging children to quantify rather than count, Kamii describes a typical interaction that takes place every day in every child care center around the country.  The teacher asks a child to place cups on the table for snack […]


4 more weeks of exploring board games seems like a good idea right about now, especially since playing board games is one of the ways parents engage in overt math experiences with their children (according to my very-far-from-scientific study). Candyland is one of our all-time family favorites. Did you know that it was designed by […]

Math and Physical Fitness

This newsletter appeared in my mailbox yesterday and I was thrilled to see that it was focused entirely on Math and Physical Fitness. The Illinois Early Learning Project produces these FAQs periodically and this one is called … How Can Active Games Help Children Meet Math Benchmarks? There are all sorts of ideas for games […]

Principles of Teaching Number – 2

There are three specific principles associated with teaching the “Quantification of Objects” so I think writing about them on 3 separate Tuesdays will allow you to think about these in isolation before considering them as whole. The first principle is as straightforward as can be and I, for one, believe that it should be a […]

Number is Not Directly Teachable

so says Kamii in the first paragraph of the 3rd chapter of Number in Preschool & Kindergarten.  She argues that the development of logico-mathematical knowledge is learned indirectly – and therefore, taught indirectly. Kamii lays out her 6 Principles for Teaching Number broken down into three categories. The first principle of teaching number is about […]

Licensing in the State of Illinois

On a typical day, I answer more questions about child care licensing from students, child care providers,center directors or potential providers than any other topic.  Years ago, I taught the Health, Safety, and Nutrition course and used the DCFS 407s as one of the course resources.  It was through that course (and many others) that […]