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The Snail’s Pace Game

This board game is one of my absolute favorites for the very youngest children.  The company is European (Ravensburger) and specializes in developing beautifully made and appropriate games and materials for children. The Snail’s Pace game is not about winning and losing, there will be plenty of time for that in all children’s lives, it […]

The Representation of Number Concepts

The last few paragraphs of Chapter 2 “Objectives for Teaching Number” describe how children come to understand the representation of number concepts as well as the differentiation of symbols and signs. Kamii writes that once the child has the concept of the number seven, s/he can then learn that the number seven can be represented […]

Objectives for “teaching” number – Chapter 2 continued.

Last week I described the first half of Chapter 2 “Objectives for ‘teaching’ number” from Kamii’s book Teaching Number in Preschool and Kindergarten. If the main objective of education (according to Piaget) is autonomy then how does the objectives for teaching number fit? Kamii describes the difference between the “construction of number” and the “quantification […]