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Resource Page for Home Child Care Providers

The US government has a lot of great resources for teachers, centers, schools, and home care providers.  This page at is chock full of helpful sites for child care providers.  There are pages dedicated to small business enterprises as well as pages that will describe funding sources, grants and loan applications. Take a look!

Child Care Financial Resource Website

While researching the available tools out there for managing the financial part of the business of child care, I found this great site that seems to have everything you could ever want.  It also has links to resources you didn’t even know you wanted! This organization “First Children’s Finance” out of Minneapolis, Minnesota has organized […]

How Cold is Cold?

Did you know that this is the coldest snap Chicago has seen in 2 years?  Last year, I never even broke out my real winter coat, the one that goes down to the ground and looks like a giant sleeping bag.  I originally bought that coat over 14 years ago when I was a kindergarten […]

The Business of Child Care- Cost to Families

I was reviewing a textbook the other day and I came across this quote, “Child care represents the fourth largest expense for the working family after housing, food, and taxes.”  I suppose on some level I knew that, but when you see it in black and white it really is shocking.  Two children in child […]