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More Books That Support Math – Ann Morris

Last week I wrote about Tana Hoban, children’s author extraordinaire, and today I wanted to introduce all of you to the another wonderful children’s book author, Ann Morris.  This short bio comes from her Amazon page. Ann Morris’s many books include Families, Bread Bread Bread, Hats Hats Hats, On the Go, and Loving. She lives […]

Books that Support Math – Tana Hoban

Over the past few years I have explored several children’s books hoping to uncover/discover their mathematical potential.  There are the obvious counting and number books – those that anyone would recognize as books that support math.  Then there are the not-so-obvious choices; ones that reveal patterns, rhythm, prediction, and sequences, but are equally valuable in terms […]

Activities to Support Subtizing

Young children develop subtizing skills much like they learn to read sight words.  The ability to take a mental snapshot of letters or objects and know what the number or word is comes because of opportunity, exposure and reinforcement.  Eventually young children learn to recognize the number of small groups of objects simply by sight (we […]

Math- Just for Fun

When you engage in something “just for fun” they call it recreational.  Here is an op-ed piece about recreational math.  Imagine that!  Math that is just for fun. Now you may think that because I blog about math that I am a math wizard (or wizardess) but alas, I am not.  I am not even particularly […]

Another article about Early Math Counts (not the site – but actual Early Math Counts)

Thanks to my friend and colleague Carrie Nepstad for sending me this article from  The title, How Adding Math to a Child’s Routine Can Advance Achievement, gives you a pretty good idea about the context, but it may even be one of those articles that you actually copy and give to parents because it describes […]