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Math Opportunities in Everyday Occurrences

I know that I write a lot about walking my pugs.  If you spent two hours everyday walking around the same two blocks at a snail’s pace, you too, would have a lot of observations about the world worth commenting on. In the past couple of years, there have been several new babies born in […]

I too, love blocks

This article from looks at some new research that examines the way young children play, screen time, and simple blocks.  Well, you all know that I LOVE blocks.  I even wrote about my new favorite blocs last week. In short, the research says that children who play with simple toys, especially when they stimulate adult/child […]

Sumthing Wonderful – Sumblox

Sometimes the greatest gems are found when you aren’t even looking for them. Two weeks ago, I attended the ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) Conference in Philadelphia, PA.   I spent each day agog at the sheer quantity of amazing people, services, products, systems, and ideas designed for educators. As an early childhood person, […]

Scope and Sequence

This phrase “scope and sequence” can be heard in every area of education.  “Scope” refers to what we teach and “sequence” refers to when we teach it. Both the scope and the sequence are very important when thinking about math curriculum. When I was teaching kindergarten, I was frequently questioning the scope and sequence of […]


All children want a “say” in what happens.  It is only fair that they should get some input in the the things that affect them.  Voting is a great way for young children to feel that they are involved in the decision-making processes of their day. As an adult, remember to use voting as a […]

The Difference Between Matching and Discriminating

Putting like objects together is called matching.  Identifying dissimilar objects is called discriminating.  The interesting thing about this is that the process of matching requires that children also discriminate.  Imagine that you ask the children to put all of the small stuffed animals into a basket during clean-up time.  The children who are able to find […]