I’ve written about dice in the past on a couple of occasions but this set has not only pips, but cardinal numbers and signs as well. 6 and the ways those numbers are represented by pips on a die, you can add the dice with signs, just to liven things up. These are large enough that they […]
Teaching isn’t Rocket Science. It’s Harder. Love this. Read it.
This week I thought we could think about ways to encourage families to support early math concepts at home with some simple ideas that anyone can do. Everyday chores may be horribly boring to the adults who do them (ME!) but children can find joy in the same tasks if they are approached as fun, […]
This time of year always brings “Top 10” lists and “the Best and Worst” of the past year. We often get a glimpse into the year to come as well. My personal favorite is always “The Year in Pictures.” This one comes from the Children’s Defense Fund. Really lovely and a lot to think about. […]
When I started thinking about signs and symbols as a possible theme for January, I realized that I wasn’t quite sure what the difference is between the two. I googled the question and discovered that I had every right to be confused. All symbols are signs. Not all signs are symbols. A symbol is a […]
Don’t forget to visit the Early Math Counts table when exploring the Opening Minds Conference this year. Come see us in person and receive a small token of appreciation from Early Math Counts. See you there!
When last I wrote about Kamii’s Number in Preschool and Kindergarten book, I was exploring Chapter 4 – School Situations to “Teach” Number. In the first half of the chapter, Kamii described several ways that teachers can use everyday activities to teach number. The second half of the chapter focuses on group games as a […]
A few months ago I wrote about magnetic numbers as a versatile math manipulative that preschool-aged children can play with and toddlers can explore. As we look at Signs and Symbols as January’s theme, I thought it would be a good idea to introduce magnetic symbols into the mix, so children can build familiarity around […]
We at Early Math Counts would like to wish you all a happy, healthy and restorative holiday season. Enjoy your time off! Enjoy your families! See you in the New Year!
Sometimes, it is fun to take a concept – RECIPES – and show children that there are many ways of thinking about it. If a recipe is a list of ingredients with directions for putting them together so they turn into something, then there a whole lot of things we can make recipes for. A […]