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The End of Summer

Even though September 21st marks the “official” end of summer, I always think of the end of August as the end of summer – and then I am completely surprised when it continues to be hot until October. Last week we talked about change and how to prepare children for it, so this week I thought […]

Preschool is Different Than School

In this article entitled “Why Preschool Shouldn’t Be Like School” the author, Alison Gopnik, makes an interesting argument about the value of exploration.  She references two other studies that had remarkably similar results – children who were allowed to explore materials without direct teaching about those materials explored and discovered more of the material’s attributes than […]

Exploring “Number in Preschool & Kindergarten”

  When autonomy becomes the aim of education, educators will attempt to increase the areas of overlap between the area of overlap between the two circles. In Chapter 2 of Number in Preschool & Kindergarten, Kamii  lays out one of the most basic principles of Piagetian theory.  According to Piaget, the goal of education must […]

Teachers are Generous

There is so much teacher bashing out there, I thought I should share this post about how generous teachers are.  Anecdotally, I have know this for years.  I know teachers who pay for children to attend field trips.  I know teachers who buy clothes so everyone has a cubby with an extra set.  I know […]