This is a great article by Constance Kamii about what children learn from playing “The Domino Effect”. That is the game they play when they line up dominoes so that pushing the first domino over creates the domino effect wherein all of the others fall over as a result. We know that children find this […]
The first chapter of Constance Kamii’s book Number in Preschool and Kindergarten outlines Piaget’s theory of knowledge, specifically logico-mathematical knowledge. Piaget theorized that there are three specific types of knowledge and all learning can be put into one of these three categories. First, there is social knowledge – knowing that Saturday and Sunday are the […]
The Bear Family Counters are colorful manipulatives that usually come in different colors, sizes and weights. They come in a variety of shapes as well. I’ve seen dinosaurs and various other animals….they can all be used in the same ways. Children will use these bears in more ways than you can imagine. Some will play […]
I have known Kate for several years, first as a graduate student completing her teaching practicum at our college and then as a colleague when she became a full-time faculty member at another of the City Colleges. I have watched her grow into her new role as a wife and a mother, while dedicating herself […]
What did you think when you saw the title of this blog post? If someone were to shout out, “Sky Blue” what comes to your mind? Now I might be dating myself, and this may have been specific to my neighborhood but I can only think of Hopscotch when I hear, “Sky Blue.” I grew […]
Click here to visit Constance Kamii’s website. Here you will find all sorts of information about Dr. Kamii’s life and work. If you scroll through the tabs on the left side of the page, you will find all sorts of really great videos of children exploring mathematical concepts. Check it out.
Many months ago I promised that I would blog about the 1982 book entitled “Number in Preschool & Kindergarten” by Constance Kamii. This book is often thought of as one of the early childhood educator “must-reads/must-haves”. I studied this book when I was in graduate school, as the early childhood program at the University of […]
We recently received a huge order of materials for our Child Development lab at the college and this little item was in amongst the boxes. When I saw it in real life, I was so excited that it was as cool as I thought it would be. My kids, especially my younger son Louie, would […]
Kathy is a colleague, friend, and the primary recipient of the Early Math Counts grant, which makes her my boss in this endeavor! Kathy has the benefit of hindsight as her children are mostly grown and she has worked in the field of early childhood education, in one capacity or another, for eons. I […]
Strange summer weather this year! First it was cold, and then it was hot, and then it was cold. Who knows what the next couple of weeks will bring. No matter- I will always think of the final weeks of August as the hottest part of the summer and the part that marks upcoming change. As the summer […]