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Logico-Mathematical Knowledge

The first chapter of Constance Kamii’s book Number in Preschool and Kindergarten outlines Piaget’s theory of knowledge, specifically logico-mathematical knowledge.  Piaget theorized that there are three specific types of knowledge and all learning can be put into one of these three categories.  First, there is social knowledge – knowing that Saturday and Sunday are the […]

“Number in Preschool & Kindergarten”

Many months ago I promised that I would blog about the 1982 book entitled “Number in Preschool & Kindergarten” by Constance Kamii.  This book is often thought of as one of the early childhood educator “must-reads/must-haves”.  I studied this book when I was in graduate school, as the early childhood program at the University of […]

The Dog Days of Summer

Strange summer weather this year!  First it was cold, and then it was hot, and then it was cold.  Who knows what the next couple of weeks will bring.  No matter- I will always think of the final weeks of August as the hottest part of the summer and the part that marks upcoming change.   As the summer […]