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Money Sets

This month I am going to explore Money as a theme on Thursdays, so I also thought it would be a good idea to introduce money manipulatives on Mondays (that is a mouthful!) There are all sorts of sets of money out there- but the small coins present a problems for programs with children under […]

Kindergarten Individual Development Survey

Yesterday, the Chicago Tribune reported that the state of Illinois would postpone the launch of the new kindergarten assessment (KIDS).  This came about after several districts asked for waivers to either opt out of the assessment or to postpone their district’s participation. Most school districts who participated in the pilot phase, complained that the assessment […]

“I Believe I Can”

How do children’s beliefs about their own learning connect to last week’s discussion of metacognition and success?  As adults, most of us have experienced the phenomenon of mind over matter – the simple exercise of believing in our own ability to be successful, or productive, or committed, and then simply making it happen.  This is self-efficacy and […]

Another Reminder – Child Care and Education Wages

This article reminds us all that the way we pay our child care workforce is shameful.  Read the first paragraph and pay attention to the way the author describes the teacher’s interactions with a young child in her care.  Her specialized training, experience, and dedication deserve a real living wage.  All parents want what is best for […]