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Blog Archive

Goal 9 – Explore Concepts of Geometry and Spatial RelationsRecong

I have almost completely unpacked the new Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards.  This week and next we will explore Goal 9 and in two weeks Goal 10!  Phew, that took a LOT longer than I expected and we only covered the Math section.  Aren’t you glad that this isn’t the “Everything At Home” blog? […]

Talking to Parents When You Have a Concern

The hardest conversations teachers must have are those about children with whom we have concerns.  But no matter how hard the conversations are for you as a teacher, they are a million times harder for the parents who have to hear it. Conversations about concerns should only happen once you have established a positive and […]

Graphing the Weather

At the end of each month, it is pretty interesting for children to graph the weather in order to mathematically determine the frequency patterns of the previous month’s weather. If you talk about the weather each day, you probably keep track of it, in some small way.  Many teachers introduce tally marks (we will talk […]

Working with Parents Who Have Unrealistic Expectations of Development

Recently, an article was making its way around the internet called “What if Everybody Understood Child Development”.  I read this article with a bit of skepticism as I have found that even amongst practitioners, deep and meaningful understandings of child development is a lifelong quest.  I am continually considering how my understandings of development are […]

Follow-Up to the Relativity of the Weather- The Floods in Chicago

Call it a coincidence, or call it karma, but this morning’s post about the “Relativity in the Weather” was written before this most recent bout of weather that Chicago and the surrounding area is enjoying. If I were the weather person today, I would be using words like “the rainiest”, “the darkest”, “the yuckiest”, the […]